Hey! I'm Morgan and this is my blog for my E-marketing class, enjoy your read! Namaste.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What Makes A Community?

Today in class we discussed the issues attached with creating an online community or entering one that is pre-existing. Most of the projects in our e-marketing course will discuss the need or development of an online community in some way or form. However, to create a community that is for a long-term basis that creates a relationship with its members and that lasts, a community, as discussed in class, must focus its efforts on the passion of its members. This in turn will allow for further discussion and information sharing that will ultimately grow and spread the community. This may be done more easily by a company piggy-backing on to established communities, but creating your own community takes more time and a lot more effort.

The Global Initiative for Village Empowerment Society (GIVE Society) is a student run organization originally established at UBC five years ago. The main purpose of GIVE was to provide information and educational programs with in the Kanyawegi village in Kenya. This society has now grown to providing medical and financial programs as well. This organization would be a great example of a entity that could use an online community to spread awareness, create discussion, increase support, and donations. Although GIVE does have Facebook and Twitter accounts, their page and tweets are outdated and few and far between. For the creation of a strong community, the provider needs to create a platform that is up to date and regularly updated/checked to keep the conversation/buzz continual. Hopefully, being a new member of GIVE, I can help GIVE build a stable platform for an online community within the next few months with the e-marketing knowledge I've gained.

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