The Waste Management Pheonix Open was held the first week of this month and was attended by over 420,000 people. For all those who could not attend, Golf Digest and Golf World provided a 360 degree view of the 16th hole that was surrounded by stands and full of spectators. This image consists of 720 photographs that were taken by a GigaPan camera that wizzed around the stands. The pictures were pieced together to create a clear image of the hole. This image is available on the Golf Digest website (click here).
This image was also featured in Golf World's March 8, 2010 issue that provided the url to check out the image on their website. This is another example of an print magazine using their offline product to promote their online services.
Although my Dad, being a golf journalist, watched the entire tournament on tv over that weekend, didn't know about the 360 degree image until he received his weekly issue of Golf World magazine. Even though he was pretty excited about the double page spread featuring the GigaPan image, he admitted he didn't proceed to check out the actual image online. So this begs the question: do offline promotions really translate well to services provided online? However, when I confronted my Dad of his actions, he defended himself by saying although he himself did not check out the image, he did in fact inform 4 other people, including myself, of the image provided online and could confirm that two out of those four had checked out the image through the Golf Digest website. This number is now three out of the four, since I have now checked out the website as well. Is this an issue of different interests or technographics? Not sure, but the image is great and Hunter Mahan was wearing his personally designed Sundog Eyewear, in which my Dad is the Media Coordinator, so that was pretty awesome too. Check it out!
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